Paige Stevens (she/her)
I am currently undergoing my last year studying at the University of Sussex, and in my time here my love for theatre, and the possibilities of live performance, has morphed into a permeating fascinating its endless form. Specialising in performance art, alongside a small theatre company and arts collective, I am obsessed with theatre as an experience of play and rediscovery; in the visual culture we exist in, today, I wish to continuously ask how can we revisit the play, the stage, the acting (the list goes on) in order to generate something new. Thus, I am excited by work that remains constantly open, even in its final performance, inviting the audience to question and reflect. Having partaken in wholly collaborative work for the last three years of my studies, I recently took my hand at directing - installing a sense of 'hierarchy' that I hadn't previously been used to. However, what I loved most about this process was using rehearsals and workshops to foster a collaborative atmosphere within with every member of our team felt comfortable and supported in their suggestions or viewpoints. Thus, it is with this energy, one of listening and trying, having a vision but granting other people access to the(ir lens, that I wish to continue working.
Less than 1 year