Becky is an independent Arts Producer and Curator, who specialises in ‘hopeism’—sharing stories of hope through the arts to help imagine and create a better future. Becky is the founder of the new arts festival CHANGE, which presented over 20 events to audiences of over 1,000 at the Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry, in October 2019. The festival was created as a platform for inspirational performance, music, discussion and workshops that invited audiences to consider their own role in manifesting positive change.
Premiering at this festival was The World We Made, a groundbreaking new play that Becky envisaged and produced, set in 2050 and inspired by environmentalist Jonathon Porritt's book of the same name. This play is touring extensively in Autumn 2020.
Becky is also a Fellow of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity, an internationally renowned research centre at the University of Surrey that explores what prosperity can mean in a world of environmental, social and economic limits.
5-10 years