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Adrian Greensmith

Actor Deviser Facilitator Dramaturg Musician

I grew up in Brooklyn, coming over to London five years ago to study Collaborative and Devised Theatre at RCSSD. I usually work primarily as an actor, but have been branching out into trying to take a bit more control over the work I do. I'm currently a dramaturg and deviser on two projects under an artistic association with Living Pictures Productions, as well as running a Communal Teaching workshop at London Performance Studios. I'm interested in developing spaces for young artists to experiment with what they know, develop practices specific to who they are, and produce work from that focus. While putting something on a stage is an obvious and vital part of what we do, I feel the spaces which don't have an audience are just as an exciting area to develop as the ones which do. (he/him)


Hunter, Metal Lords, Netflix, Film, 2022
Spoon, Shelter, Amazon, Series, 2023
Gary/Joe, Love + Science, New York City Center, 5 weeks, 2023
Galileo, Three Body Problem, Netflix, Series, 2024


BA Acting CDT at RCSSD
Bella Merlin workshops on "The Complete Stanislavski Toolkit"
Directing new writing workshops with Dominic Cooke
Dramaturgy workshop with Lyndsey Turner
Workshop series with Mike Alfreds going through "Different Every Night"
Songwriting workshops with Adrianne Lenker
Perdekamp Emotional Method training with Sara Victoria
LaGuardia School of Music & Art and Performing Arts




2-5 years

Art forms / Disciplines

  • Comedy
  • Film - feature
  • Film - short
  • Literature
  • Multi-disciplinary / cross art form
  • Music
  • Theatre / Live perfomance
  • TV - drama

What I do

  • Devising
  • Directing
  • Dramaturgy
  • Facilitating
  • Music - Can learn by ear
  • Music - Plays Instruments
  • Music - Singing
  • Music Composition
  • Performing
  • Physical Theatre / Mime
  • Teaching / Coaching
  • Theatre making
  • Working within a Community / with community participants
  • Workshopping & Development
  • Writing
