Louisa Pennell
I'm Louisa Pennell (she/her), and the work I am interested in focuses on comedy and music. I am interested in shows which work with either of these themes, and I am also keen to work on developing work which reaches out and includes people who aren't catered to in terms of mainstream arts.
Co-Producer of 'Sex-Ed Revisited' from September 2021 to April 2023. 'Sex-Ed Revisited' appeared at Vault Festival, Brighton Fringe Festival and at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2023.
Co-Producer of 'Enos' which was performed as a part of the Exeter Northcott's Futures Programme, from April - July 2021, and at Maketank in 2021.
Co-Producer of 'Three Short Sketches', which was performed as a part of the Exeter Northcott's Futures Programme, from April - July 2021.
Co-Producer of 'Calling of the Tide' which was performed as a part of the Exeter Northcott's Futures Programme, from April - July 2021.
Producer for 'South-West Comedy Showcase' which highlighted comedy talent in the South-West of England as a part of the Plymouth Fringe Festival 2021.