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Ariane Oiticica

Artist Producer Director Designer Publicist

I'm Ariane, she/her. I grew up in theatre, most of my childhood memories are backstage, at my grandmother's rehearsals, warming up exercises, table reads, opening nights and lengthy runs. As a14yo I attended performance college for 3 years, receiving an all round technical education in all aspects of theatremaking, from body and voice work; to history of art and dramaturgy; costume and set design; light & sound creation and operation; to directing and producing.

Over the years, I acted in produced or assistant produced several plays, both in my home town Sao Paulo but also in the north of the country, in the Amazon, where I worked under one of the best contemporary directors working in Brazil right now, creating engaged, bold and visually stunning productions, all of them retaining a huge level of lyricism and beauty, as it is common in Brazilian theatremaking.

In the UK I studied Drama & Theatre Arts and specialised in Contemporary Performance. Despite coming top of my class and graduating with a 1st Class honours degree,* the criticism for my physical piece over my written dissertation immediately set me towards a life of writing rather than making. Until now. Over the past year I have started taking steps towards returning to a practical world of theatremaking, to re-igniting and developing my theatre and art-making skills and growing as an artist after all those years of fearfully staying in.

*Today I am praised by the lecturers with whom I now collaborate as producer, PR & Marketing consultant, while also supporting their creative process as they prepare for presenting a show in this month's Ed Fringe.


PRODUCER/ACTOR/PHYSICAL TRAINING, Auto da Barca do Inferno, Grupo de Teatro da Unama, warehouse performances and outdoor touring, Brazil, 36 weeks, 2002

ACTOR/PHYSICAL TRAINING, De Eterno e Belo Ha Apenas o Sonho, Grupo Palha de Teatro, Centro Cultural de Belem, Brazil, 12 weeks, 2002

PRODUCER/ACTOR, Pastoral, Grupo Palha de Teatro, Brazil, 12 weeks, 2001

ACTOR & ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, Perdoa-me por me Traires, Casa Nelson Rodrigues, Brazil, 12 weeks, 2000

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, The Tempest, Colegio William Shakespeare, Brazil, 8 weeks, 1998

ASSISTANT STAGE MANAGER, Ivanov, Grupo Tapa, Teatro Alianca Francesa, 8 weeks, 1998

ASSISTANT STAGE MANAGER, Do Fundo do Lago Escuro, Teatro Alianca Francesa, 12 weeks, 1997

ASSISTANT STAGE MANAGER, Vestido de Noiva, Teatro Alianca Francesa, 2x 6 weeks runs 1994 & 1995


2008 – 2011
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
BA (Hons) Drama and Theatre Arts, 1st Class
Specialised in Contemporary Performance

1998 – 2000
William Shakespeare College, São Paulo, Brazil
Drama and Theatre Studies (Technical high school degree)




10+ years

Art forms / Disciplines

  • Graphic / product design
  • Theatre / Live perfomance

What I do

  • Devising
  • Dramaturgy
  • Performance Art
  • Performing
  • Site Responsive/Immersive
  • Theatre making

Additional Languages

Portuguese (mother tongue), Spanish and Italian basic
